
Infoforum is the most Big, most Famous professional forum in Russia

Infoforum has been working for 15 years. Since 2001 more than 100 events has been conducted (3 thousand people annually): National Forum of Information Security (Moscow), Inter-regional conference (other Russian cities), Eurasian Forums (participation of  Eurasian countries),
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Build bridges, not walls - the dialogue of experts of Russia and China

The conference, held in the format of "dialogue of experts", gives new knowledge, new contacts, allows us to develop business cooperation in a large-scale growth of economic partnership of Russia and China.
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Infoforum - a high level of participation of Russia and China

Andrei Denisov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russia to China, and Amy Lin, Vice President of Huawei Technologies (General Partner Infoforum-Beijing) at the opening of the program of training of Russian specialists in China.
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From Smart city and cross-border trade to threats of cyberterrorism

Cybersecurity in the digital age, in the age of mobile technology, e-Commerce and the Internet of things includes solutions, that promote development of economy, strengthening of Russian-Chinese cooperation.
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Infoforum in Beijing – Russian specialists should see novations

Visiting companies, showrooms, a roundtable at the exhibition Security China, the presentation of the Chinese and Russian projects, live discussion.
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