We bring together the experts from entire Russia and other countries

National Forum for Information Security "Infoforum" is the largest all-Russian professional forum with the participation of public authorities. Our audience is all Russia. 1500 participants from almost all federal authorities and regions of the Russian Federation will come to Infoforum in 2018.

Established in 2001 Infoforum throughout its history has earned a reputation of the official platform where Russian State Authorities adjusted its policies in the field of Information Security to a wider professional audience. State Duma, Security Council as well as Federal Security Service, Federal Service of Technical and Export Control, General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communication, Ministry of Economic Development, the Bank of Russia and many other governmental agencies consider Infoforum as its official site.

Today Infoforum is a permanent business platform with the number of annual events devoting to different aspects of information security and with the unique composition of its participants from state authorities, regulators and leading Russian and international IT-companies.

Infoforum is a National Forum and our audience is all Russian Federation. Most Russian regions send their delegates to Moscow to participate in this remarkable event . Republics and territories are often represented by ministers, directors of IT departments or governors. Infoforum gives technological companies the opportunities to demonstrate their abilities and solutions directly to regional leaders and IS-managers.

Being a part of Global information Society Russia attaches a great importance to international information security problems. That is why we are always open for dialog with foreign specialists on Infoforum platform. And always eager to help our partners in Russia and worldwide to bring their best solutions and approaches to Infoforum's unique audience.

© 2001 - 2021 НП "Инфофорум", infoforum.ru
Электронное СМИ, Эл. № ФС77-27767 Минпечати РФ